2019/ لموسم خریف وشتاء 2018 Ray-Ban مجموعة نظارات


موديل‭ ‬مستوحى‭ ‬من‭ ‬النمط‭ ‬الكلاسيكي‭ ‬الخاص‭ ‬بتصميمات‭ ‬عالية‭ ‬الأداءً‭ ‬المستديرة‭ ‬مزدوجة‭ ‬الجسر‭ ‬وتصميم‭ ‬البانثوس‭ ‬،‭ ‬إطار‭ ‬معدني‭ ‬ذهبي‭ ‬لامع‭ ‬يتمتع‭ ‬بدوائر‭ ‬حافة‭ ‬بلاستيكية‭ ‬شفافة‭ ‬باللون‭ ‬البني‭ ‬الفاتح‭ ‬أو‭ ‬الأخضر‭ ‬الفاتح‭ ‬أو‭ ‬الأزرق‭ ‬الفاتح‭ ‬وعدسات‭ ‬متدرجة‭ ‬جديدة‭ ‬لتُضفي‭ ‬على‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬المظهر‭ ‬المناسب‭ ‬للجميع‭ ‬شخصية‭ ‬فريدة‭.‬

إعادة‭ ‬ابتكار‭ ‬نمط‭ ‬عين‭ ‬القطة‭ ‬الأيقوني‭ ‬الخاص‭ .‬”Nina“‭ ‬نقدم‭ ‬أروع‭ ‬تصميم‭ ‬لهذا‭ ‬الموسم،‭ ‬فلترحبوا‭ ‬بنظارةوخلق‭ ‬مظهر‭ ‬جديد‭ ‬من‭ ‬الشكل‭ ‬الأصلي،‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬النمط‭ ‬الجذاب‭ ‬يمزج‭ ‬بين‭ ‬العدسات‭ ‬،Ray-Ban‭ ‬بعلامة‭ ‬المسطحة‭ ‬ذات‭ ‬الألوان‭ ‬القوية‭ ‬مع‭ ‬ألوان‭ ‬الهافان‭ ‬المرقطة‭ ‬الجديدة‭ ‬لإضفاء‭ ‬مظهر‭ ‬كلاسيكي‭ ‬يصعب‭ ‬مقاومته،‭ ‬من‭ ‬أجل‭ ‬بديل‭ ‬عالي‭ ‬الأداء‭ ‬لا‭ ‬يُخطئ‭ ‬أبدًا‭. ‬G‭- ‬أو‭ ‬اللون‭ ‬الأسود‭ ‬الكلاسيكي‭ ‬بالكامل‭ ‬وعدسات‭ ‬15

2019/ لموسم خریف وشتاء 2018 Vogue مجموعة نظارات

من‭ ‬مظهر‭ ‬مدني‭ ‬أنيق‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬مظهر‭ ‬مرح‭ ‬رفيع‭ ‬المستوى،‭ ‬تمنح‭ ‬الخطوط‭ ‬الملونة‭ ‬الحصرية‭ ‬والزوايا‭ ‬الأنيقة‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬الشكل‭ ‬الجديد‭ ‬لمسة‭ ‬مغامرة‭. ‬من‭ ‬خلال‭ ‬تنسيق‭ ‬درجات‭ ‬الباستيل‭ ‬الجديدة،‭ ‬والعدسات‭ ‬المتدرجة‭ ‬الكلاسيكية‭ ‬والعدسات‭ ‬العاكسة‭ ‬الجديدة‭ ‬مع‭ ‬أذرع‭ ‬مجدولة‭ ‬مصنوعة‭ ‬من‭ ‬المعدن‭ ‬المصقول‭ ‬ونهايات‭ ‬أذرع‭ ‬ملونة،‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬الموديل‭ ‬الخفيف،‭ ‬سوف‭ ‬يكشف‭ ‬بالتأكيد‭ ‬عن‭ ‬الألوان‭ ‬التي‭ ‬تناسبك‭.‬

درجات‭ ‬الألوان‭ ‬المشرقة‭ ‬تُثير‭ ‬الدهشة‭ ‬في‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬الموديل‭ ‬المستوحى‭ ‬من‭ ‬الخمسينات‭ ‬ذو‭ ‬حالة‭ ‬الموضة‭ ‬الجريئة‭. ‬يتمتع‭ ‬الموديل‭ ‬بشكل‭ ‬مستدير‭ ‬ساحر‭ ‬مع‭ ‬أذرع‭ ‬عريضة‭ ‬للغاية،‭ ‬الواجهات‭ ‬الرائجة‭ ‬ذات‭ ‬لون‭ ‬بدرجة‭ ‬جديدة‭ ‬”paisley“‭ ‬حجر‭ ‬الأوبال‭ ‬أو‭ ‬اللون‭ ‬الوردي‭ ‬الناعم‭ ‬تتزين‭ ‬بحافة‭ ‬علوية‭ ‬منقوشة‭ ‬بنقشة‭ ‬تتطابق‭ ‬مع‭ ‬العدسات‭ ‬الشمسية‭ ‬ثلاثية‭ ‬الألوان‭ ‬من‭ ‬أجل‭ ‬مظهر‭ ‬فائق‭ ‬الأنوثة‭ ‬وملون‭ ‬بالكامل،‭ ‬بينما‭ ‬يضف‭ ‬اللون‭ ‬الأسود‭ ‬الكلاسيكي‭ ‬أو‭ ‬الهافان‭ ‬المنقوش‭ ‬بساطة‭ ‬تتطابق‭ ‬مع‭ ‬الجمال‭ ‬الذي‭ ‬يُظهر‭ ‬السحر‭ ‬والجاذبية‭ ‬في‭ ‬أي‭ ‬شخص‭.‬

2019/ لموسم خریف وشتاء 2018 Burberry مجموعة نظارات

إطار‭ ‬أسيتات‭ ‬بيضاوي‭ ‬مستوحى‭ ‬من‭ ‬التصاميم‭ ‬العتيقة‭. ‬إطار‭ ‬أسيتات‭ ‬أسود‭ ‬شبه‭ ‬شفاف‭ ‬بأذرع‭ ‬طبعات‭ ‬الكاروهات‭ ‬العتيقة‭ ‬وعدسات‭ ‬رمادية‭ ‬دخانية‭.‬

إطار‭ ‬أسيتات‭ ‬أنثوي‭ ‬مستوحى‭ ‬من‭ ‬الخمسينيات‭ ‬مع‭ ‬حافة‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬علوية‭ ‬مسحوبة‭ ‬لأعلى‭.‬


2019/ لموسم خریف وشتاء 2018 Emporio Armani مجموعة نظارات

نظارة‭ ‬شمسیة‭ ‬فائقة‭ ‬الخفة‭ ‬بتصمیم‭ ‬عین‭ ‬القطة‭. ‬تتمتع‭ ‬العدسات‭ ‬الشفافة‭ ‬الكبیرة‭ ‬بجزء‭ ‬مركزي‭ ‬عاكس‭ ‬وإطار‭ ‬صغیر‭ ‬غیر‭ ‬لامع‭ ‬على‭ ‬الحواف‭ ‬ومع‭ ‬لمسة‭ ‬براقة‭ ‬خفیفة‭. ‬لمسة‭ ‬أناقة،‭ ‬تم‭ ‬تقدیمھا‭ ‬على‭ ‬منصة‭ ‬العرض‭. ‬تحمل‭ ‬الأذرع‭ ‬الرفیعة‭ ‬والمدببة‭ ‬شعار‭ ‬النسر‭ ‬المطلي‭ ‬بالمینا‭. ‬ھذا‭ ‬المودیل‭ ‬متوفر‭ ‬باللون‭ ‬الفضي‭ ‬البراق‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬لبنیة‭ ‬عاكسة‭ ‬أو‭ ‬باللون‭ ‬الذھبي‭ ‬الوردي‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬وردیة‭ ‬عاكسة‭. ‬

ھذا‭ ‬المودیل‭ ‬الذي‭ ‬ظھر‭ ‬على‭ ‬منصة‭ ‬العرض‭ ‬یُظھر‭ ‬الروح‭ ‬الحضریة‭ ‬لسیدة‭ ‬Emporio Armani‭. ‬یأخذ‭ ‬الھیكل‭ ‬المعدني‭ ‬وضع‭ ‬مباشرةً‭ ‬فوق‭ ‬العدسات‭ ‬ویتبع‭ ‬شكلھا،‭ ‬مع‭ ‬بنیة‭ ‬طلیعیة‭. ‬الجسر‭ ‬المزدوج‭ ‬مصنوع‭ ‬أی‭ ‬ًضا‭ ‬من‭ ‬المعدن،‭ ‬على‭ ‬غرار‭ ‬الأذرع‭ ‬الرفیعة‭ ‬التي‭ ‬تحمل‭ ‬شعار‭ ‬النسر‭ ‬المطلي‭ ‬بالمینا‭. ‬مجموعة‭ ‬الألوان‭ ‬راقیة‭ ‬مما‭ ‬یجعل‭ ‬ھذه‭ ‬النظارة‭ ‬من‭ ‬الأغراض‭ ‬التي‭ ‬ینبغي‭ ‬اقتناؤھا‭ ‬في‭ ‬ھذا‭ ‬الموسم‭. ‬ھذا‭ ‬المودیل‭ ‬متوفر‭ ‬باللون‭ ‬الذھبي‭ ‬الشاحب‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬خضراء‭ ‬متدرجة‭ ‬وباللون‭ ‬الفضي‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬رمادیة‭ ‬متدرجة‭. ‬

2019/ لموسم خریف وشتاء 2018 Giorgio Armani مجموعة نظارات


یتمیز‭ ‬مودیل‭ ‬النظارة‭ ‬الشمسیة‭ ‬ھذا‭ ‬ببنیة‭ ‬طلیعیة،‭ ‬وھو‭ ‬مثال‭ ‬على‭ ‬البراعة‭ ‬الحرفیة‭. ‬تم‭ ‬صناعة‭ ‬العدسة‭ ‬السمیكة‭ ‬یدویًا‭ ‬من‭ ‬أجل‭ ‬خلق‭ ‬بعدین‭ ‬مختلفین،‭ ‬بحیث‭ ‬تبدو‭ ‬أكثر‭ ‬رفعًا‭ ‬على‭ ‬الحواف‭. ‬الجزء‭ ‬الخارجي‭ ‬أیضًا‭ ‬غیر‭ ‬لامع‭ ‬وثري‭ ‬بالكریستالات‭ ‬الصغیرة‭ ‬متعددة‭ ‬الألوان‭. ‬الإطار‭ ‬فائق‭ ‬الخفة‭ ‬مصنوع‭ ‬من‭ ‬المعدن‭ ‬شبھ‭ ‬منعدم‭ ‬الحواف‭ ‬مع‭ ‬وجود‭ ‬شعار‭ ‬في‭ ‬النسخة‭ ‬الكلاسیكیة‭ ‬على‭ ‬الأذرع‭ ‬Giorgio Armani‭ ‬الرفیعة‭. ‬یتوفر‭ ‬المودیل‭ ‬باللون‭ ‬الذھبي‭ ‬الوردي‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬بنفسجیة‭ ‬وباللون‭ ‬الفضي‭ ‬البراق‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬متدرجة‭.‬


یتمیز‭ ‬ھذا‭ ‬المودیل‭ ‬الأنثوي‭ ‬الأنیق،‭ ‬بطل‭ ‬عرض‭ ‬أزیاء‭ ‬2019‭ ‬،‭ ‬بالشكل‭ ‬الھندسي‭. ‬یُشكل‭ / ‬خریف‭ ‬وشتاء‭ ‬2018‭ ‬الجزء‭ ‬العلوي‭ ‬المصنوع‭ ‬من‭ ‬الأسیتات‭ ‬زخرفًا‭ ‬رقیقًا‭ ‬غیر‭ ‬عادیًا،‭ ‬منحني‭ ‬بشكل‭ ‬خفیف،‭ ‬مع‭ ‬ألوان‭ ‬ودرجات‭ ‬الألوان‭ ‬المستوحاة‭ ‬من‭ ‬حجر‭ ‬المالاكایت‭. ‬إنھ‭ ‬احتفاء‭ ‬بدرجات‭ ‬الألوان القادمة‭ ‬Giorgio Armani‭ ‬الموجودة‭ ‬في‭ ‬مجموعات‭ ‬الخاصة‭ ‬بالملابس‭ ‬والإكسسوارات‭. ‬ھذا‭ ‬المودیل‭ ‬متوفر‭ ‬باللون‭ ‬الذھبي‭ ‬الشاحب‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات زرقاء‭ ‬وتفاصیل‭ ‬بلون‭ ‬الھافان‭ ‬الأخضر،‭ ‬وباللون‭ ‬الوردي‭ ‬الذھبي‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬خضراء‭ ‬وتفاصیل‭ ‬بلون‭ ‬الھافان‭ ‬الأحمر،‭ ‬وباللون‭ ‬الفضي‭ ‬مع‭ ‬عدسات‭ ‬متدرجة‭ ‬باللون‭ ‬النبیذي‭ ‬وتفاصیل‭ ‬بلون‭ ‬الھافان‭ ‬الأزرق‭.‬

David Yurman launches new Pinky Rings at Bloomingdale’s Dubai

American luxury jeweler David Yurman launches new pinky ring designs, this season, dipped in color and hand-set with spirited motifs. The new ceramic pinky rings are available in 8 vivid colors, while the iconic Cable Collectible pinky rings feature a heart, an evil eye, a compass and a princess-cut diamond motif set in 18K gold.

The David Yurman Pinky is today’s signature ring and this season, David Yurman pinky rings are statements of individuality with boldly-hued ceramic, which can be styled and layered with other pieces in your jewelry wardrobe. The ceramic pinky rings are priced at $450 and the Cable Collectible pinky rings start at $1,500. They are available exclusively in David Yurman boutiques and on DavidYurman.com.

Signet rings have been worn on the pinky finger throughout history. They were signatures bearing the wearer’s name and family heritage. The David Yurman Pinky Collection is the modern interpretation of this concept – they come dipped in color, decorated with meaningful symbols, encrusted with rare pavé gems and an option to personalize. They are relaxed American luxury – modern, playful, spontaneous and individual.

About David Yurman 

David Yurman is the premier American luxury jewelry brand with a mission to share in life’s exceptional moments. Founded by two artists, David and Sybil Yurman, in New York in 1980, artistic inspiration, craftsmanship and unconventional yet elegant designs are at the core of the brand. The marriage of David’s background in sculpture with Sybil’s natural understanding of color and art yields signature jewelry designs; diamond, pearl, and gemstone jewelry and Swiss-crafted timepieces that are renowned for capturing the essence of relaxed American luxury. David Yurman collections are available at 47 retail and concession locations throughout the United States, Canada, and France and at over 350 locations worldwide, through their exclusive authorized fine jewelry and timepiece network of retailers, including in the US, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, UK, Russia and the Middle East.

Pandora Grains of life


Harvesting classic features of jewellery craftsmanship and symbolic, natural elements, expertly crafted wheatinspired designs capture the passage of time in a faithful rendition of nature. Offering a glimpse beyond the walls of the season’s regal setting, where fields of wheat grow as emblems of abundance, the bountiful new series of enchanting jewellery puts a new spin on styling, with pieces designed for layering and stacking.

Representing new beginnings and prosperity, grainembellished pieces and glittering sheaves of wheat are brought to life in gleaming sterling silver and PANDORA Shine’s 18k gold-plated sterling silver.

Clear cubic zirconia stones capture the shape of wheat grains on the season’s show stopping earrings that sway with your every move, and the series’ corresponding ring and bangle, also cast in PANDORA Shine, wrap beautifully around your body in a radiant tribute to nature. Necklace pendants and charms dangle delicately, creating fluid movement like fields that move in the wind.

Let your natural talent for styling run free with these glittering new extensions of your personal style.

Pandora Regal Tales



Bringing together elements of majesty and magic to capture the opulent expression of the Renaissance, the new Regal Tales jewellery series marks an artistic voyage into a regal realm. The extravagant new collection rewrites the history of jewellery design with indulgent stones and intricate metalwork, experimenting with new craftsmanship forms to offer a glimpse into the splendour of the period. Fantastical designs that are a nod to the period mix with modern pieces marked with mystery, twisting and turning to reveal hidden messages, secret compartments and concealed treasures.

Rediscovering the combination of nature and culture, the series’ statement ring sees branch-like metalwork adorned with pretty hearts unfurl around a glossy cabochon-cut stone in regal purple. Tapestry-like designs on rings, bracelets and charms are woven with delicate lace patterns that cover each piece.

Charms interpret the opulence of regal embellishment, detailed with central stones or crystals in timeless stone cuts. Key-shaped pendants, designed to be layered and mixed in varying sizes, open your style to new realms of creativity. And a birdcage charm holds a secret treasure, opening to reveal a little bird that flies free. The result of this imagined world is a series filled with beautiful contrasts designed to be worn every day, for every occasion.

Chloé introduces “TALLY,” the new sunglass style inspired by the shape of a seashell

The effortless spirit of Chloé infuses the latest introduction to the brand’s eyewear collection.

Elegant and playful and entirely crafted from thin metal, this unique double-lens frame features a glamorous front structure which recalls the shape of a delicate seashell. A shiny gold filament is wrapped around the distinctive lenses, which are then joined and perfectly matched together using a reverse bevel technique to create the effect of a single lens.

The artisanal flair of this design is further emphasized on the two 80’s inspired Havana styles which are enhanced with a metal foil applied meticulously by hand to the frame front. Each style is also adorned with the filigree pattern, exclusive to Chloé, which subtly extends from the bridge to the lightweight temples, adding a unique vintage touch.

The frame is completed with the signature, metal teardrop cut-out on each of the temple tips, which serves as a functional embellishment to attach the optional chain accessory. The Chloé logo is discreetly lasered on the top of the left wearing temple.

Available in Gold Light Pink/Gradient Blue, Gold Azure/Gradient Burnt, Havana Rose/Gradient Green and Havana Sand/Gradient Rose.

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Vogue SS 2018 collection

Kicking off 2018 with a bang, Vogue Eyewear builds on the phenomenal success of the #ShowYourVogue campaign by celebrating the concept of individual beauty through an incredibly varied new style selection. With a special focus on tailoring trend-right style to the unique personalities of Vogue Eyewear women, the brand reinvents bestseller themes from fresh perspectives and introduces daring new designs for an eclectic look&feel. From the clean-cut profiles and mirror shades of contemporary glam-rock style to the light, street-smart angles and fine braided profiles of urban go-getters, or uber-feminine Fifties inspired cat-eye shapes, the collection is made for the many faces of real women.Trust Vogue Eyewear to design the perfect frame for the windows to your soul. Dive into the brand-new world of Vogue Eyewear and find your look – style is an attitude, #ShowYourVogue.


Expressive, feminine and up-to-date, this full cat-eye optical shape shows the lighter side of the latest fashion trends with confident style and an iconic edge. Featuring fashionable shades of bluette, fuchsia and violet layered over transparent inners for a light-filled profile, and colorful solid temples, as well as a high-impact total black and rich Havana SKUs, this feminine shape offers playfully provocative style with attitude.

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If style is an attitude, this complementary #EdgyBraid optical frame makes it even easier to always be on-top of your look. Featuring subtle inset braid-profiles and a braid-cast metal bridge for a contemporary take on iconic detailing, with a light, colored metal brow shape, this frame captures the essence of confident women with a refined identity. Choose from classic black/gold, brown/pale gold or blue/silver fronts with color matched nylon temples or feminine red or purple with light pink gold rims for vivid contemporary style that is guaranteed to make an impression!

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Made to fit any look, this lightweight optical design features inset #EdgyBraid profiles on a bold shape with thin, high set temples for distinctive style. Available in transparent Funky shades of lilac, raspberry and azure or classic black and havana for versatile everyday wear. Whichever way you look at it, Vogue Eyewear has it nailed -#ShowYourVogue.

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Inspired by the latest trends, this full metal frame redefines optical style with all-new angles and delicate color profiling to highlight the distinctive dualities of modern women. With its unusual, yet flattering shape and ultra-fine metal structure, the look pairs matte metal tones of gold, pale gold and rose gold with black, brown, fuchsia, bluette and violet on the rim profiles for an unmissable take on chic contemporary optical wear with personality.

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A feminine, yet decisive shape and delicate filigree detailing make the luminous profile of this lightweight flat metal optical style the epitome of modern sophistication with a cutting-edge feel. Available in five trendy fade-down gradient colors on gold, pale gold or copper metal frames, including black, blue, grey, violet and brown, this look goes from elegant to easy chic with effortless style.

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